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Is there something missing in your life, or do you sense a need to express yourself in a more meaningful way in order to thrive and make a significant difference to others?


I am dedicated to help you feel empowered to make the most of your challenges, expand your inner wisdom, get in touch with your dreams, and fulfill your potential. 

I strongly believe and recommend that at one time or another, we can benefit from a reset, recharge and boost, to clear obstacles that may get in the way of our positive flow of energy and precious inner resources.  Freeing us up to live happy productive lives and to be of service to our loved ones and humanity - can provide us with a life filled with intention, direction and purpose.  When self-worth, happiness, and love flourish, our intentions can become a storehouse of design and fruition. 

My Story

When I was a young mother, I began to realize my first child was somewhat shy, so I asked my pediatrician to gain more insight. He knew of a women who was a good family therapist, so I went to speak with her. I learned the concept that there is no symptom foreign to a family. From this knowledge, I began to realize that “I” was painfully shy.

She also taught me that when people act in a negative way toward us, they don’t feel good about themselves. I began to understand that I was ok and, as the therapist brilliantly put it, they were having a bad day.

As time passed, it became clear to me that it would be good to help others feel better. You see, knowledge is power that can lead to understanding, emotional healing, growth, and the realization of our great potential through our inspired actions.

With G-d’s help, I am grateful to be able to help others on their journey of growth, healing and wholeness . . . spiritually, emotionally, intellectually, mentally, and physically. — as I believe emotions are at the source of our physical health and we can choose to connect and access guidance and help by coming close to our Creator and His Wisdom, which are one.

However, it is up to us to be proactive and take the steps to learn, grow and become the person that aligns with our values, the meaning we take from our life experiences and our purpose for being here.

I hope you enjoy the knowledge and insight I have been blessed to have learned for 40 plus years from the Wisdom of the Kabbalah, gifted to all of us from G-d.

Finally, there is another piece we can choose to understand . . . which is the concept that some of the inner suffering we may experience can be within our hands to change. And so my hope and prayer is to help others to learn to manage the controllable and the rest is up to G- d — as we are gifted with challenging circumstances and tests that allow us to step up, choose take the highroad and come close to G-d, to fulfill our life’s purpose.

WELCOME!!! May you enjoy these concepts from the wisdom of the Kabbalah with blessings of health, gratitude, love, healing, serenity and joy.

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